A Witch Dispells Four Halloween Myths
Teen Vogue spoke to a real witch in order to tell us what myths we should pay attention to as we approach Halloween.
The witch, Bri Luna, says the myth of seances and the Ouija board being just for fun is dangerous. She warns that people shouldn’t try to communicate with the other side without proper supervision. The results could be life-altering if you allow the wrong spirit to invade your space.
Halloween costumes are now meant for fun but that wasn’t always the case. Luna says Celtic people wore disguises to ward off spirits during the fall harvest as the early darkness blurred the living and the spirit worlds.
Black cats are not bad luck according to Luna. She says cats are linked to witches and that’s why they are considered to have a negative association.
As far as witches flying brooms, Luna says witches use a “flying ointment to elevate themselves to the astral plane.” Ok, then.