CA Has 100-Million Dollar Budget; Desert Projects Funded

Several projects in Eastern Riverside County are being funded by your tax dollars as Goverror Gavin Newsom has signed the new 100 Billion dollar state budget, spending billions in surplus tax dollars that had been collected from taxpayers years ago.


Riverside County Fourth District Supervisor V. Manuel Perez is touting the expenditures and says they will have incredible benefits to our communities.


The massive 2021-2022  California budget includes $30 million for relocation of the Oasis Mobile Home Park, another $7 million for the Coachella Valley Water District’s Avenue 66 Transmission Main in Mecca and the eastern Coachella Valley,  $3 million for the Palo Verde College Child Development Center Relocation and Expansion Project in Blythe.


Those projects were pushed by Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia.


Low-income Californians are going to be getting a 6-hundred check from the State of California, plus another 5-hundred dollars for each child they have.



Three money bags and stacks of money on white with soft shadow.

Photo from Alpha Media USA Portland OR